Autoscrolling previews (Pro Feature)

Tired of manually scrolling through fonts, trying to find the perfect one for your project? Let Wordmark do the work for you! Simply click the Autoscroll button and Wordmark will start scrolling through your fonts, allowing you to sit back and easily compare them.

If you see a font that catches your eye, just move your mouse to stop the scrolling. You can also adjust the speed of the scrolling, or pause it altogether if you need a closer look at a particular font.

To start the Autoscroll

  1. Enter a text to preview your fonts
  2. Start manually scrolling and the Autoscroll button will appear at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click the Autoscroll button to start scrolling through the font previews

While using the Autoscroll

  1. If you see a font that catches your eye, move your mouse to stop the autoscroll.
  2. Click on the preview that you liked to select it
  3. Wait for two seconds to resume the auto-scrolling


We hope the Autoscroll feature makes it easier for you to find the perfect font for your project!

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